WESTFAC 6 - Buckeye, Arizona          Oct 25-27 2017
Here are some links to other pages that include pictures of the event
Jonathan Nunez launching his Polikarpov I-16, one of two that showed.
Lineup for World War II mass launch
Chambermaid. Could belong to Don DeLoach.
Dave Wagner holding his well executed Mr. Mulligan
Mike Midkiff winding his Sea Hornet
Roger Willis checking out the field
Dave Wagner's SUV hangar.
Tom Arnold's P-63. Good performer
Tom taking care of No. 2 engine on his B-26
Gale Wagner's beautiful Russian biplane with color coordinated blast tube
The Business End:  David Wagner packing them in. Interesting winder
David Wagner's Miles Magister in Irish Air Force colors
Late day action - the Embryo flyoff
Spanish Civil War trophy - safely back in Santa Fe

WESTFAC VI was another picture perfect contest.  Great weather, good field conditions, competition, and excellent model flyers. Again, our host Jerry Rovey provided us with a field most freeflighters can only dream about. Thanks go to Tom Arnold and the Team for all the hard work to make this a great time for all. If you have pictures you would like to include in this gallery, send them to our webmaster or Tom Arnold. Please supply a description so we're not guessing or having to insert "No information provided"..